Yardley Road – Highway Improvement Works – Highway Drainage, Speed Table and Pedestrian Crossings
Yardley Road will have a full road closure in place from 23th August 2021 for approximately 6 weeks. Please refer to Phase 3 & 4 on the downloadable plan Section 278 Phase 1 Rollout. The plan indicates where the works will be taking place on Yardley Road.
UPDATED INFORMATION - Phase 3 UNSCHEDULED REMEDIAL WORKS Closure for works between Swallow Close and Stilebrook Road (Timescales 4th October – 12thOctober)
Additional works are required due to a design inconsistency with the existing carriageway resulting in the ramps being too steep on the development side of the ramps.
The original road closure notice was due to end on the 12th October and it will be our Contractors goal to carry out these works ahead of this date but will unfortunately mean an additional period of traffic management.
The traffic management will consist of a full road closure during working hours which will be reopened after working hours as a single lane closure under 2-way traffic lights for access. The details are as follows:
Yardley Road will be closed between 08:00am and 18:00pm on weekdays and 08:00 and 13:00pm on Saturdays.
Access to Stilebrook Road will be from Drift Way
Access to Swallow Drive and frontage properties on Yardley Road up to Bedford Road East (A428) will be via diversion.
Outside of working hours through access will be available for residents of Yardley Road, Swallow Close and Businesses of Stilebrook Road for light vehicles only, no HGV’s will be able to use this access and will be required to follow the diversions.