How long are you likely to be on site? +
According to our phasing and build-out plan which has been approved by Milton Keynes Council we anticipate being on-site until 2024. The Community Centre and public open space on site is targeted to be completed and open to the public in 2023. This includes a large play area and junior pitch.
When is the sales centre opening? +
Both Taylor Wimpey and Bovis Homes expect their sales centres to be open between March and May of 2021, operating in-line with Government COVID safe guidance.
When will people be moving in? +
We expect the first families to move on to the development in June 2021.
Do you have any more information on the proposal for the Haul Road? +
Please refer to the Planning section where we have a detailed update on plans for the Haul Road.
When will the Public Right of Way and Olney Circular walk be re-opened? +
We expect that this will be April 2021. We are working hard to get this reopened as soon as we can.
Flooding happened before Christmas, what is being done about this? +
As a result of the flooding which happened on Yardley Road/Aspreys before and after Christmas we have put temporary remedial measures in place consisting of connecting balancing ponds with controlled discharge rates to the existing ditch course. These works are being continually monitored and improved where necessary.The final design for the drainage on site has been approved by the Lead Local Flood Authority and Milton Keynes Council.
Why is there so much mud on the road? What is being done to limit it? +
Initial works involve earth moving, digging trenches for the installation of drainage and forming roads, during this period it can get messy, especially if the weather is inclement . There are large amounts of vehicle movements which can sometimes cause mud and brought onto the highway. The usual solution to this is to have a road sweeper in attendance, this has been the case on Yardley Road. As a result of discussions from the local ward councillors and highways we have increased the amount of road sweeping on the surrounding roads and will be installing wheel washing facilities at the construction entrance to the site during this period. The roads within the development once fully tarmacked will significantly help reduce the amount of mud that is taken off site.