Phase 4 – Closure for works between Stilebrook Road and Drift Way (Timescales 13th September – 1st October)

Yardley Road will be closed between 08:00am and 18:00pm on weekdays and 08:00 and 13:00pm on Saturdays.

  • Access to Stilebrook Road, Swallow Drive and frontage properties on Yardley Road will be via diversion.

Outside of working hours through access will be available for residents of Yardley Road, Swallow Close and Businesses of Stilebrook Road for light vehicles only, no HGV’s will be able to use this access and will be required follow the diversions.


The diversions proposed by Milton Keynes Highway Department will be the same for both phases, but opposite directions and dependent on which Phase is being worked upon at that time. 

The diversion will be fully signed but in brief will run from Drift Way onto Warrington Road (A509) to Bedford Road East (A428) then onto Yardley Road (B5388). Please refer to the Yardley Road Olney MK46 5EA - Diversion Route .

Pedestrian/cycle routes will be diverted locally to the works to ensure existing routes can be maintained where possible.

We understand these works and subsequent road closures are likely to affect your usual travelling routes and day to day activities. The Contractors carrying out the works, M&J Evans Construction, will be working to complete the works as swiftly as possible and with minimal disruption to all concerned.

We would like to apologise in advance for any disruption the works may create, the works are unavoidable but hope the community as a whole can benefit from the works once they are complete.

Should there be any concerns during the period of the works or if you need to report any urgent matters please refer to the contact details below:

Milton Keynes Council - Out of hours Emergency Telephone – 01908 226699

M&J Evans Construction Limited – Head Office - 01543 373766

M&J Evans Construction Limited – Contracts Manager – 07929 824438